Reception Class
Welcome to Reception
Meet the team
Miss Wallace - Class teacher
Miss James - Teaching Assistant
Mrs Minor - Early year apprentice
Spring 1
Class Saint - St Joseph
Christmas (3 weeks). In this unit the children will hear the story of Christmas and will focus upon the birth in the stable and of the shepherd visitors.
People who help us (4 weeks) father John visit. In this unit the children will be introduced to the role of the priest as a special person in God’s Family who helps people. This unit also has a focus on the church building as an important place within the parish community. The children will also learn about a saint being an important person in God’s Family. In this unit they will also consider the help that Jesus gave to people when they needed it.
If you would like to, you can bring in photos of you attending church with your families or a photograph of you showing love and care to other people just like Jesus. The photographs will be displayed on our prayer table.
Story Focus – The Snowman, Ridiculous, One snowy night.
Children will recap Phase 2 and will be introduced to Phase 3 Phonics — CVC word building.
· Class Rhyme or Poem of the week
· Daily Vocabulary
Letter formation will be practised daily. Children will also write their names during self-registration at the start of the day. Please encourage writing and practising letter formation at home
Please don’t forget to access your child’s active learn account at home. There are lots of reading and writing resources available to help support your child’s learning at home.
Monday mornings – Gymnastics – with Mr Sigley
Friday mornings - essential fundamental movement skills (Running, Stopping, Jumping, Hopping, Throwing, Catching & Kicking).
The children should have their P.E. kit in school all week. Please make sure all clothes are clearly labelled.
Reading Diaries
Reading Diaries: Please listen to your child read at least 3 times a week (school policy) and ensure that you sign their diaries. Diaries will be checked every Friday. Please practise any sounds and words that are in your child’s purse.
We will tick them when they recognise them correctly in school.
Key events for the half term
Please see the school messenger and website calendar for any additional events and any further information.
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