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Year 1

Welcome to Year 1

Meet the team

Mrs. Scattergood - Class Teacher

Miss Towers - Teaching Assistant


Spring 1



Following on from our Advent focus we will be looking at the wonderful Christmas Story, focusing upon The Holy Family, the visitors to the stable and the best Christmas present of all, Our Lord, Jesus Christ! 

Then we will be thinking about how we can share in the life of Jesus today! 



  Class Saint - St. Benedict


Class Text

We will be exploring our topic ‘Polar Adventures!’and thinking about life in the South, and North Pole. We will be focusing upon the story ‘Lost & Found’ written by Oliver Jeffers along with other popular texts such as ‘The Snow Queen’ and ‘The Snail & The Whale’, a classic written by our class favourite author, Julia Donaldson. 




We will have our PE lessons on a Wednesday afternoon and we will be learning all sorts of different ways to balance. The children will begin to refine movements into actions showing control, extension and a degree of fluency. 

Please ensure that your correct, labelled PE kit is in school and available at all times.




Daily Maths (little blue book focusing on the 4 operations).

Out of this World - Number bond cards; please learn, off-by-heart.

 Foundation Subjects (pink books, compulsory, weekly).

Home Reading (3 x weekly, please ensure that you sign the diary).

First 100 High Frequency Words – yellow book: continue to practise reading and writing the words sent home last half term until the children can read and write them off-by-heart NB: they are still struggling to spell these words when it comes to their independent writing; I will update throughout the terms as and when the children are ready.

Bugs Club – I have checked and re-posted some books for your child onto the site.

Purple Mash – I have checked and re-posted some To Do’s for your child on the site.


Class Diary- trips, assemblies etc.

Please see the school messenger and website calendar for further information.