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Year 3

Welcome to Year 3 

Meet the team

Miss Kealey - Class Teacher

Mrs Wardle - Teaching Assistant 


Autumn 1

Class Saint - St.Jude


Belonging: We gather together as God’s family

  • This unit involves the children exploring the different groups to which they belong. Through the theme of belonging they will study the Sacrament of Baptism as a Sacrament of Belonging to the Church. They will also learn how Catholics celebrate their belonging to the Family of God through the Celebration of Mass.
  • We listen to God’s word at Mass

This unit involves the children in thinking about listening and finding out about the Liturgy of the Word at Mass. Through this topic they will explore the value and the importance of listening to the Word of God in the Scriptures.


Class Texts

        Stone Age Boy – Satoshi Kitamura                   Hansel and Gretel – Anthony Browne



Dance lessons will take place on Thursday mornings.

PE lessons will take place on Monday mornings.

Please ensure that full kit stays in school throughout the term. Children will also participate in PE lessons outdoors (weather permitting) frequently throughout the week. Trainers suitable for outdoors would be helpful.


Homework/Reading expectations

Daily Homework

Daily Maths homework will be four questions practicing the four basic operations. They should be completed and returned daily.

Daily English homework will support the development and enrichment of vocabulary. Words will be taken from class texts, curriculum spellings or stories read in school.

Weekly Homework

Children will receive one piece from either Science, History, Geography, Art, DT, Computing or PSHE (these subjects will be rotated on a weekly basis).

An additional Maths or English homework will be given alternately each week.

Homework will be given on a Thursday and collected on a Tuesday.

Reading Diaries

Children are encouraged to read at home daily (for at least 20 minutes) and are expected to have their diaries signed by an adult at least 3 times a week.


Class Diary- trips, assemblies etc

Please check the messenger for any upcoming dates/trips