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Year 5

Welcome to Year 5

Meet the team

Miss Lynch - Class teacher

Miss Burke - 1:1 Support

Autumn 1

Class Saint - St. Veronica 

Saints of the Faith: Saint Veronica


In RE this half term, we will be learning about the two different stories of Creation in the Book of Genesis. We will also be discussing what being made in the image and likeness of God means and the responsibility we have to use our God given talents. Finally, we will be learning about some of the miracles of Jesus and the work of the Church to heal and care for the sick in Christ’s name.


Class Texts

Our class text this half term will be ‘Varjak Paw’. Varjak Paw is a Mesopotamian Blue kitten. He lives high up in an old house on a hill. He's never left home, but then his grandfather tells him about the Way - a secret martial art for cats. Now Varjak must use the Way to survive in a city full of dangerous dogs, cat gangs and, strangest of all the mysterious Vanishings.



This half term, year 5 will be working with Mr Sigley in P.E.

Their P.E kit must be in school Monday-Friday.

PE kit must comply with the uniform policy.


Homework Expectations

Children will continue to receive daily Maths and Literacy homework, which is to be completed each night. On Thursdays, children will receive one piece of either Maths or English homework plus one piece of homework linked to a foundation subject (Art, Science, MFL, Computing, Music, Geography, History etc). This will be due in on the following Monday.


Reading- We strongly encourage children to read at least 3 times a week at home. Reading underpins the whole curriculum and so is vital to children’s success. We encourage children to read a range of fiction and non-fiction texts to encourage stamina and also reading for pleasure. It is fine for children to read about topics that they are interested in and also books from home as long as they also read their Accelerated Reading books. This is so that they can take quizzes to acquire points towards their reading targets. Children who read at least 3 times a week, every week will be rewarded at the end of term. Each class will also be selecting a ‘Reader of the Week’, which will be awarded in celebration assemblies on a Friday.


Class Diary

Keep an eye out on the messenger for any specific dates.