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Year 6

On Monday 1st June we welcomed Year 6 into school. Therefore, we are no longer providing home learning packs for this year group. We would encourage all of our children in year 6 to return to school, unless your child or someone in your household is shielding. if you wish your child to continue their education in school, please contact the school office (we do require one weeks notice).


If you are looking for resources to continue your child's learning at home, you many find the following pages useful.


The Oak National Academy

Here you will find a daily maths and English lesson and a variety of other lessons on a daily basis such as Science, Geography, History, Art, Spanish and PHSE. 


BBC Bitesize Daily Lesson

Here you will find a daily maths and English lesson and a variety of other lessons on a daily basis such as Science, Geography, History, Art and Design, Design and Technology, Computing French, Music and PHSE. 



Week beginning Monday 1st June

Dear Year 6 pupils and parents/carers,

We would love to see any work that you’ve been doing at home e.g. stories you’ve written, art work, or photos of you exercising or baking. Please feel free to email us anything you would like to share.  
Competition Time! We are setting 2 competitions this week. See below for details:

1) ‘A Write Laugh’ Story Competition. Write a story of no more than 500 words to make others laugh! The deadline is Sunday 31st May. Good luck! Follow this link for more details:


A very happy birthday to Joe and Owen, who will be celebrating their 11th birthday on Wednesday 27th May, during the half term break. We hope you both have a lovely birthday with your families. 

Take care and God Bless,

Mr Zoumides, Mrs Mortimer & Mrs Jenkins


  • Digital Story QuestDigital Story Quest packs including our local stories, as well as new Mini Quests, and challenges for all families to enjoy.

Music at Home