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100 Things to do at St. Mary`s

We want to give our pupils as many experiences as we possibly can to develop their academic, spiritual, cultural and moral identities. By the time our pupils are ready to move on to their next stage in their educational journey, we hope to have given them the opportunities that all children should have chance to do! If you have any other ideas to enrich our pupils experiences please send them to  

                                        100 things to do at St Mary’s

Learn to swim

Go on a French adventure

Sing on stage

Visit the woods

Go to parliament

Plan and lead a Mass

Take part in sports day!

Dough Disco

Go to the pantomime

Receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Eucharist

Visit a museum

Take part in a sponsored event

Learn a new language

Receive the Sacrament of Conformation

Make a mud pie

Be a world millionaire

Visit Alton Towers

Be a part of the School Council

A residential at an outdoor education centre

Represent the school in a sporting event

100% attendance day trip

Learn to play the recorder

Lots and lots of after school clubs

Be a journalist for the school newspaper

Plan and lead an assembly/liturgy

A spiritual residential retreat

Perform in a Christmas Nativity play

Take part in a cooking competition

Take part in a chocolate workshop

Read at Mass

Dress up as your favourite book character

Cruise down the River Thames

Dress up for creative day

Visit the park

Make pancakes

Visit the Library

Have a Teddy Bear’s Picnic

Dance on stage

Nurture and care for baby Chicks

Perform in an end of Year 6 production

Ride on a train

Take part in the young voices concert

Make a home for a bird or small animal

Take part in English Speaking Board exams

Visit the Lord Mayor’s Parlour

Go on a barefoot walk

Meet a sports personality

Take part in a music festival

Discover what is in a pond

Visit Santa

Canoe in a river

Visit the wonderful World of Harry Potter

Fundraise for lots of different charities

Learn to play an instrument

Go on a bear hunt

Graduate from Children’s University

Play in the snow

Visit the seaside

Learn about other religions and cultures

Take part in an Easter Bonnet Parade

Host an Art exhibition

Go on an egg hunt

Join a rowing club

Have a party day to celebrate the life of a saint

Visit older people and sing them a song

Pick Fresh Fruit

Have a traditional tea party

Search for animal tracks in the snow

Bring a mummy or grandma into school for mother’s day

Jump in Muddy Puddles

Eat in a restaurant

Hunt for dinosaur eggs

Join a rowing club

Visit older people and sing them a song

Bring a daddy or grandad into school for father’s day

Learn to save a life

Meet an author

Hunt for bugs

Play in the rain

Go on the London Eye

Street Dance lessons

Create some wild art

Visit a farm

Specialist PE lessons

Watch a play

Be part of the mini-vinnies

Be a Headtecaher for the day

Plant it, grow it and eat it

Go on a nature walk at night

Bikeability – improving for cycling skills

Breakfast club

Celebrate lots of world festivals

After school care club

Grow caterpillars into butterflies

Sing in the community

Visit the fire station

Build a sandcastle

Visit a local pottery museum

Specialist Music lessons

Visit a Castle