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Year 1

Welcome to Year 1

Meet the team

Mrs. Scattergood - Class Teacher

Mrs. Massey - Teaching Assistant

Summer 1

Class Saint - St. Francis of Assisi 

St. Francis was born: 1182 in a small town called Assisi in Italy. Francis was born into a very rich family and, when he was nineteen years old, Francis went to battle; he was a brave knight. But, unfortunately, Francis was captured and taken prisoner. He was held prisoner in a dungeon for a year and was then set free.

Over the next few years Francis began to see visions from God that changed his life.. At first he thought that God had called him to fight but then he had another vision that told him to help the sick. Finally, when praying in a church, Francis heard God tell him to "repair my church, which is falling in ruins."

Francis gave all his money to the church. His father became very angry with him. Francis then left his father's home and took a vow of poverty.

Francis lived his life of poverty and preached to people about the life of Jesus Christ and people began to follow him. By 1209, he had around 11 followers. He had one basic rule which was "To follow the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ and to walk in his footsteps".

Francis was a devoted follower of the Catholic Church. He and his followers travelled to Rome to get the approval for their religious Order from the Pope. At first, the Pope was reluctant but then he eventually understood their vow of poverty and blessed the Order.

Francis was known for his love of nature and animals. There are many stories about Saint Francis and his preaching to animals. It is said that one day he was talking to some birds when they began to sing together. Then they flew into the sky and formed the sign of a cross.

It is also said that Francis could tame wild animals. One story tells of a vicious wolf in the town that was killing the people and the sheep. The people of the town were frightened and didn't know what to do. Francis went to the town to talk with the wolf. At first, the wolf growled at Francis and prepared to attack him. However, Francis made the sign of the cross and told the wolf not to hurt anyone else. The wolf then became tame and the town was safe.

Year 1 have chosen to ask Saint Francis to guide them this year, showing them how to be good stewards of God’s Creation and how to walk in the footsteps of Jesus.













Class Diary- trips, assemblies etc.

Please see the school website / Messenger for further information.